
@jokalot hiiii, lovely. Thank you so much for your kind words. I really appreciate what you've said - you have no idea how much I needed that. Thank you for sticking by me and being so loyal. I'll try to update as soon as I can. xx


Hiii, id just like to say i started reading this and am already up to date in like a whole day hahaha its such a good book youre a great writer!! Cant wait for more updates! xxx


Hi, doll. Thank you so much for the kind words. I'm glad you're enjoying the book. I'll get an update out there sooner or later - hopefully. Thank you, thank you! 


Class is back in session, my young (or old) readers. Since I am still re-editing the story, there won't be an update for a little while. I'm going to try, and I mean really try, to write some of the new chapter for you guys this weekend, but don't get your hopes up. I still love you and I hope you love me as well. If you want, re-read the old chapters. Basically all of them have been changed - barring some major ones - so you could always read the new content... or not. Do what you like. Hope you're all well.


Hello all. I hope you don't hate me too much. I am writing to inform you guys that while the story is under some major construction, I have been writing the new chapter. It's coming along slowly, but it's getting there. Also, this editing process also comes with a change in the story title. I feel like it doesn't really capture the essence of the book, so I will be changing it, along with the cover.
          Like I said, major construction going on. Don't hate me. Thank you for your patience and understanding. It means a lot. 


I have a question. I'd love it if you would answer it. 
          Do you guys get a notification when I update other chapters? Like old chapters. Not a new one. 
          I've been editing the other chapters but I have no idea if you get a notification when I do. I'll wait for your responses. 


What's up fuckers? It's been a bit, hasn't it. Just writing to let you know I've been doing some major editing to the first couple of chapters. I was reading them the other day, and I didn't really like how they turned out. You don't have to go back and read them, I'm just letting you know. If I do change something that will affect the plot, you'll be the firsts to know. Bye.


What's up fuckers? Long time no see, right? Well, I am truly very sorry for that. I didn't think things in school would get this bad. We're turning in final projects and final exams so it's been literal hell. For those of you who actually care when I update, I promise you it will be this upcoming weekend. My last week of my third semester of college ends this thursday, so after that I'm all yours. Updates will come more frequently, for those of you who actually care. I really am sorry about taking so long, I know it's been more than a month and I feel really bad about that but I just don't have time right now. Quick question, would any of you like to know some stuff about me? I've seen people do those Q & A's but I don't think I'm important enough for that... just let me know if you actually want that. Anyways, I hope you're all well and enjoying your free time (if you have some). Take a shot of tequila for me, (those of you who are of legal age to drink). Bye. xx


Hey dolls. So sorry for this terrible delay but I was filming this weekend and just couldn't find the time to write. But.... good news, I have started writing chapter 34...? I'm not entirely sure when it will be posted, but hopefully soon. Hope you don't hate me too much. Bye dolls.