
My wonderful readers I have a great story to share with you all… it a TaeKook fanfiction. So I hope you stop by and read it… really good and really spicy and hot… so go go go and read and let me know what you think about it…


My wonderful readers I have a great story to share with you all… it a TaeKook fanfiction. So I hope you stop by and read it… really good and really spicy and hot… so go go go and read and let me know what you think about it…


My sweet readers… I wanted to give you an update on Betrayal but I’m little confused about the couple chapters I have for you.. looking back at them this morning I notice that I don’t like much couple thing in the story… so don’t know if to leave like that or change it… please let me know if you want me to uploaded it like that or change it… hopefully I hear from you by then of this week.. 
          But still I uploading them for Christmas…  
          Plus.. I working in a new exciting story about my two favorite characters… #TaeKook so hope you like them…
          Hope you all having a good Holidays.. talk soon 


@pureredroses maybe leave it and continue with updates.. once completed you can perhaps edit the chapter here and there :))


hi there will you be updating your stories soon? Your book Betrayal? :))


@pureredroses ah okay no worries I thought you're abandoning your book like some authors :') no rush I can wait as long as you will complete the story hehe ♥️


Hi thanks for liking my book… I was going to post next chapter next week but for you I do it this week… 


Hope everyone stays safe and healthy throughout these days. I just wanted to let Everyone know that I be updating my books through  these couple of days so I hope you enjoy them. Is anyone have any comments or questions please let me know and if you have any BTS KOOKV books-idea You would like forme to write let me know my friends. And again thank you for taking your time to read my stories... I hope you in joy them as much as I I joy writing them... thanks again and stay safe....


Happy New Years everyone.... Hope you all are doing good.. first I want to Thanks everyone that have taken a moment to read one of my stories...I know it been a while since I upload my stories but I been busy.... Hopefully I be able to write and probably finish couples of my stories soon... again thanks for reading my books and hope you are enjoying them As much as I enjoy writing them....