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Hey Hackers
If you're wondering why Sufiyah from Three Years Later :A Test Of Love burst out in anger at Muhammad when he refused to let her help him or tell her anything, it's because she came from a family where her father was excessively verbally abuse as well as narcissistic and emotionally abusive, causing mental abuse. It's no wonder he turned out that way too.
Anyways, Sufiyah was afraid that Muhammad would have turned out like her father had she let the situation escalate, so she made a quick decision.
She knows how bad mental darkness can go. She's been there. It was part of the reason she had given in to suicide that once. Her father's words from when they weren't in the best times were a majority of the demons/black beings with red eyes that haunted her.
Although she had helped people to fix themselves or so to say, she was still broken. Muhammad wasn't a major reason she was broken in those terrible three years. It was her own mind telling her those horrible things because that was what she watched her parents go through growing up.
Mental health is important. Mental Abuse /Mental Darkness /being mentally trapped is different for everyone. And for 21 year old Sufiyah that's one of the ways she was still affected regardless of the fact that she knew what it looked like.
If you know someone with mental health issues, don't let them suffer alone. It's not a good place and it's never good to be alone in these things. It only goes further downhill from there.