
Hey guys, just letting you know I published the first chapter of a book called Far From Me. I hope y’all like it and I will try to keep consistently adding more chapters. 


Hey y’all, currently the internet and wifi are acting up so I won’t be able to post the book. There are gaps of time where it’s working perfectly fine and other where it won’t work at all. Hope all of you who went through a snow storm last week are alright and have power again. Love y’all! Bye!


Hello everyone, 
          I’m going to be in publishing my books next week, except for my poetry books those will be staying. I’m going to be working on them and revising them. I have a new book I’m also working on that I will be putting a new chapter out for every few weeks. Hope y’all are well with carona going on and everything. 


Hey y'all, hope everyone is doing ok. So a Cowgirls Life will most likely be it own book all on it own no series or anything like that. When/if you read it please give me feed back I started wattpad because I wanted help to make my writing more interesting.  Hope one day I can publish one of my books and make horse lovers days with my stories. Thank y'all so much and please, please give me feedback, I will read it and respond and change if it won't change the storyline. Love y'all.