Yas! Where's poor Ireland. It's like... Another version of Korea! They are split. The Republic of Ireland which is part of the UK but there's also the Northern Ireland... So it's basically America as Korea?.. if that makes sense....
Ireland 'was' part of the UK, and google quotes, "In 1922, after the Irish War of Independence most of Ireland seceded from the United Kingdom to become the independent Irish Free State but under the Anglo-Irish Treaty the six northeastern counties, known as Northern Ireland, remained within the United Kingdom, creating the partition of Ireland."
So it would be America, split (like the southern and northern) like how Korea is split as south and north...
So all in all, Ireland (And Scotland) would be part of Britain's family. Ireland in my opinion would be the child Britain nor France spoke of because they was afraid America or Australia or New Zealand would try to gain independence after Ireland or something.... Wait... WE NEED A BOOK ABOUT IRELAND (and possibly Scotland) BEING BRITAIN'S AND FRANCES SECRET CHILD THAT IS YOUNGER THEN ALL THE BABIES! (Younger then America, Australia and New Zealand).