Hey y’all,
After thorough examination, I’ve decided to remove the real life people from all my books. I feel this will help me further my career and writing by making characters from scratch. Here is what that entails:
-No More Pictures of the Musicians/Actors/Models
-No More Using their Likeness
-No More Using their Names/ A Name Change of Characters Who Exist
-Characters who previously had a different name already from the person they were based off will keep their created name.
-An Entire Revamp of Life...Finally and Miss Universe
No New Fanfiction (Don’t Worry - New Books Are On The Way)
No worries, I haven’t been sued or anything of that nature. This is just a personal decision that I feel is morally sound. I felt like I’ve been putting words into people’s mouths I’ve never met and that just doesn’t sit right with me. I also feel this is what has stalled my updates.
I know Wattpad is pretty much centered around Fanfiction, but for personal reasons, I will not take part in that.
Love Y’all,