
Hey guys so Im back book an untitled story is getting edited at the moment by my sister@pendingperth so I will be back to uploading agin please show me sign of life if your still with me 


Ok i am following you because you are like exactly like me:D no joke i adore Demi Lovato i cried when they canceled Sonny with a Chance on Disney Channel. And i have almost every song on TDG one-x albulm memorized and i like a few of BVB songs but i dont listen to them religiousely like i listen to Demi. I love chinese food and pizza (hehe TMNT) and i LOVE the color Purple and i am so jealouse that you have purple hair! But im more than likely gonna dip dye my hair purple around summer time so i shouldnt be too jealouse:) talk to you soon:D


@purpleskies  In my opinion, you write for yourself. I've been through the same thing when I wrote my first story. Not a lot of reads but then people started reading. Be patient, everything will work out.
          But if you're that determined to take off you're stories because you lost its touch then .mm do whatever you want but do not stop writing once and for all. 
          And I repeat everything will work out chica, just have the enough patience :)