
So it’s been a couple of years… but I’m back. I’m ready to make this account blow up with interaction. Help me out gang. 


Just finished reading your last chapter I am literally in love with your book. And as much as I love Jared this time I'm team enrique pardon Castle 


@thecolourofsoul I totally get it so don't even worry about it. I'm actually working on a new chapter right now, really pushing to have it out today


@thecolourofsoul don't worry I'm busy too I deleted the story because the way it was coming out I didn't like it much but don't worry I'll let you know when it will be online again ❤️


Hi darling sorry to bother you I just wanted to say thank you for your follow I will certainly read your book about enrique iglesias as I literally love him❤️❤️ if you like too, I just started my very first story about him it would be absolutely amazing if you could give a look at it and let me know what you think of it 


Don't worry about it its fine I'm looking forward to reading your book and tell you my opinion 


@thecolourofsoul No worries! I'm glad to see a fellow fan of him. I would love to check out your book, and give my support. I'm hoping you'll leave comments and vote on my book, since I'd love to hear your thoughts. 



I apologize for everyone I have possibly ghosted here. School is finally winding down so I will be able to begin writing again. It's been a crazy year and mental health has also been as crazy. Hopefully I will proceed to update both books so! Love you all. 


hi, thanks for the follow! If you have time, I would love it if you could check out my story ‘Embers of a Throne’ if it is the kind of thing that you read. 
          have a nice day :)


@sophia_645 great I'm excited, let me know what you think (:


@purpletea247 i was planning on it!


@sophia_645 Of course! I will check it out, but I must request the same for you my two semi new books, Enticed By Gold and Her Lacy Band. Both books have different tones and story telling approaches, but I would love if you at least checked out one of them. 