Hi everyone. I know I don't post much, my health hasn't been good so I've not been writing most of the time. I'm just dropping a message to ask people if they might consider signing the petition to Save Shadow and Bone (link below). It's a show that means a lot to me as someone who is queer and disabled. It really hurts to have that representation taken away. It came as a shock to see the cancellation after months of campaigning with hashtags to show Netflix our passionate fandom still wants more, especially when they just the other week released a mobile game that people thought surely was meant to promote the show and a sign of a positive announcement instead! The fandom is also even more riled up about this since several writers/producers were involved in negotiations or outspoken supporters of the writers strike for fair pay and better treatment. It very much feels like a retaliatory cancellation to punish them, which is wrong itself, but also is affecting so many more people on the show losing jobs, with the cast and crew surprised and heartbroken the Six of Crows spinoff also isn't happening now. Anyhow, here is the petition link. If you want to get involved in the campaign to save the show there's various other actions you can find info for on tumblr:savethegrishaverse, instagram:savethegrishaverse or twitter:savethegrisha https://www.change.org/p/save-shadow-and-bone-5ff54b93-d127-44a9-9f77-dfc410bdc2ba