
Ищи себя в пучине жизни, 
          	Во тьме начала, сквозь моря,
          	И жди пока волна не брызнет
          	С даром подводного царя.
          	Ищи себя средь камней белых,
          	Что волны будут доставать. 
          	В пещерах, давно запустелых,
          	Тебя не будут признавать. 
          	Играй и дальше жизнью этой,
          	Пора давно себя найти!
          	Я буду красною кометой,
          	Что будет мчаться впереди. 
          	Тебя волнуют только воды, 
          	Комет не знает океан.
          	Наичистейшие породы
          	В нем извергнутся как вулкан. 


Ищи себя в пучине жизни, 
          Во тьме начала, сквозь моря,
          И жди пока волна не брызнет
          С даром подводного царя.
          Ищи себя средь камней белых,
          Что волны будут доставать. 
          В пещерах, давно запустелых,
          Тебя не будут признавать. 
          Играй и дальше жизнью этой,
          Пора давно себя найти!
          Я буду красною кометой,
          Что будет мчаться впереди. 
          Тебя волнуют только воды, 
          Комет не знает океан.
          Наичистейшие породы
          В нем извергнутся как вулкан. 


Стихи не пишут оптимисты. 
          Что оптимизмом передать?
          Обжечься надо сильно в жизни, 
          Чтобы Онегина слагать. 
          Скитаться мцырем по России,
          В темницу демона попасть -
          Нет! Оптимистам не по силе 
          Такие чувства передать. 


To tell the truth, I can't envision
          Myself ever growing old. 
          For youth is like a car ignition -
          It doesn't budge when it's too cold. 
          I want to run and flaunt and swim-
          Things I can do right here and now. 
          I want to see and hear and dream-
          The things that old age won't allow. 
          I don't want my hair to grow grey,
          I don't want wrinkles on my face. 
          I'd like to stay same as today - 
          With every detail right in place. 
          I'd love to live by today's rules, 
          So that no worries be my drive!
          But all us, people, are big fools - 
          We think tomorrow will arrive. 


Порой корю саму себя
          За детский взгляд на мир вокруг. 
          И мысли глупо теребя -
          Так вот проходит мой досуг. 
          Нет, я не Пушкин и не Анна, 
          Быть может, прав нет у меня
          Слагать стихи; довольно странно
          Что я пишу - и не любя. 
          Я к жизни б отнеслась беспечно,
          Кабы уверенна была. 
          Но жизнь сама не бесконечна -
          Живу, а завтра - такова. 
          А потому, стою над входом 
          В тёмную бездну небытия. 
          Боюсь упасть и мимоходом
          Прошу людей спасти меня. 


And I live right on the edge
          Of the toughest hill to climb. 
          To live honestly I've pledged -
          Honesty is hard through time.  
          Positivity is great - 
          Yet so hard to imitate. 
          The heart churns inside - yet still
          You smile back against your will. 
          It gets tough but on the finish line
          Life works out - indeed, just fine. 
          Not as you have planned maybe -
          So many branches in the tree.  


And because I am Life, I don't ask myself such funny questions. What is the meaning of Life?  - Oh, puh-leese. It comes down to what the meaning of Me is. And Me is so unbelievably important that I don't even have time to answer a question I will spend less than five seconds answering. 
          Because I am constantly working. Every nanosecond. Even now. And that's what I comprise of - I do, I play, I smile, I cry, I hate, I love, I loathe, I shrug, I make, I take, I give.
          I live. 


Odin, Amon Ra, Zeus and so forth - these are all so very beneath me. They do not even represent the tiniest fraction of what I am. 
          What am I then? You guessed it right (though maybe you didn't - and that's a just indication of how confused you are with your life). 
          I am Life. Ich bin Leben. Я Жизнь. I am all the same in any language. However you put it, I never change. And everyone - down to a tiny worm in your yard - depends on me. Hangs on to me. Whichever way you put it.


Me? No. 
          Me is too big for such negligible questions.
          Me is too important. 
          Me is who everyone else around the world - men and women alike - depend on and cherish. 
          Yes, there are haters, too - after all, who doesn't have them? They want to get rid of me. They are tired of me. They say they don't want to deal with me anymore. 
          Am I a President? What?! - No! Where'd you get that idea? Presidents are the very front-liners, kneeling down before me. 
          I am not Zeus almighty - although an entire civilization did indeed revere me under that name for centuries - and many others. I am not Amon Ra. Neither am I Odin. 


What is the meaning of a human life? 
          Many have asked the same question over the centuries. You name them - they asked, they pondered, they debated. They defended their perceptions of it, they cried while searching for it, they ruined their eyesight while typing the small letters into the Google Search bar. 
          Shakespeare, that silly shepard boy grazing his sheep, Henry VIII and his many lovers, Princess Diana, the Backstreet Boys band members... and eventually You. 


Now that the New Year spirit's in town, it is high time to re-think our lives: focus on what matters most, surround yourselves with positivity and peoplw who truly love and cherish you. Don't let negativity affect your state of mind and/or your integrity. Cut off all the ties with a broken past and unsaid words. Just forget. If they mattered, they would've been spoken. 
          Forget and forgive. Let go and spread your wings. Concentrate on yourself and your loved ones. Make it the best New Year's so far in your life.