Hey there. Came across one of your stories. You're pretty awesome and so are your stories. Keep writing. May the universe bless you with all the best things that life has to offer. Much love. -J (P.s. Incase you're wondering, No I don't know you. But I'm sure you're a damn lovely soul)

Hello author! I read your story Daddy, and I so far love it especially Jimin, oh my the way he is sassy asf and damn God I love it! I’m like just wishing for a good ending coz I read many stories with amazing plot like yours but with a sucking ending. Hope yours will be as amazing as the plot is And sorry if whatever I said is disrespectful towards you! Hope u have a good day/night! Ty for the stories

@Shortie_ParkJiminie i'll see if i can come up with something and again, seriously thank you for the loveee

@pvrkstheticx_ np! You deserve more ngl And I dont want the story to end now, like i need moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee chapters. 200+ Please dont end it now yet *crying emoji* And no it ain't boring at all! I want a bit more drama b/w Jimin & Haewon tho (not smut! Fights I mean. Sorry but I love it when Jimin apologizes to Haewon. And as a couple, no arguments is like no communication so pwease more fights awaiting?) And yes aim for a great ending! But please don't make it rushed take your time author! We love ya <3333

@Shortie_ParkJiminie hiii thank you a lot for your love, I'm still trying to build the story so it doesn't get boring and i will try for a great ending bae <3

10k reads wtfffffffffff

WTF PARK JIMIN???!!! Y'all the pic he posted on ig is making me delulu. Fanfics are running in my mind

Mafia husband back on business?

@NikitaShendre girl u should've studied and yea i do understand you. I think your result will be fine

Hiiiii are u still here????

@pvrkstheticx_ By the way after ur exam will continue ur ff story or have other plans

He where are you , you hasn't update your any story

@NikitaShendre Hiii how are you maybe bussy buddy I am still waiting for your updates you know hmm

Hii, it's me. I know I'm sorry for not updating and all. I just went through a hectic time with all the school, drama and exams. I'm all great don't worry, I just updated "daddy" sorry for keeping you unannounced and waiting