
Sorry guys I haven't been active. I've been busy with school bc I was failing 3 classes but now I'm just failing one class! even though that's not really a good thing I am going to try to pass the class! I am going to try to update next week or the following week after that. 


Ehilà tesoro scusa il disturbo.
          Sto scrivendo un fan fiction su Luke Hemmings. Si chiama "Sick love."
          Passa a leggerla e fammi sapere se ti piace,Commentala e votala. 
          È la mia prima storia è ho paura se non piace. Non so se continuare o meno.
          Mi farebbe piacere avere un tuo parere.
          Ricambio ovviamente ❤


Sorry guys I haven't been active. I've been busy with school bc I was failing 3 classes but now I'm just failing one class! even though that's not really a good thing I am going to try to pass the class! I am going to try to update next week or the following week after that.