
Why would someone who's not stupid need a smartphone? Just askin'... And, I have been struggling with books... I'm halfway through Gullivers Travels but it's become a political polemic and so 1700's... just a bit before Uncle Sam drafted me... and I'm 1/2 way through Wrinkle in Time, which is pretty good, but it has these spirit-being things and I get a little bored with them... and I'm reading Graduation Day, which is the last book in the testing trilogy... oh, I got the Divergent movie the other day... and liked it... What beside buttsaggington and ms. heller are you reading. Madame President?


Why would someone who's not stupid need a smartphone? Just askin'... And, I have been struggling with books... I'm halfway through Gullivers Travels but it's become a political polemic and so 1700's... just a bit before Uncle Sam drafted me... and I'm 1/2 way through Wrinkle in Time, which is pretty good, but it has these spirit-being things and I get a little bored with them... and I'm reading Graduation Day, which is the last book in the testing trilogy... oh, I got the Divergent movie the other day... and liked it... What beside buttsaggington and ms. heller are you reading. Madame President?


im reading! whoo! *dances*


<3 U Lexi !
          There is no wireless at the cabin and since my ancient labtop was heisted last Dec... my new labtop doesn't have a phone jack so I am tickled to be tech-less... sans internet whilst at the mountain abode... I really do look forward to reading your story...


yay! cant wait to c all of you on Wednesday :)