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@w3ll_fl0at_s0m3day My dad’s an entire year older, holy shit,,I love you so much, Dad. You may be the youngest out of the friend group but we all still love you so much! You mean the entire world to me. We started off as friends who talked about anime together but it’s so much more than that now. I consider you to be one of my many best friends and I’m so glad we connected over the dumb musicals that we barely talk about now. I definitely would not be half the person I am today if you never introduced me to those musicals and was stupid with me. You’ve been there for me during some of the hardest times in my life and I promise I’ll always be there for you for your hard times as well. Although we’re both beyond horrified to be another year closer to adulthood, we’ll get through it together. Although I already told you at midnight, I’ll tell you again. Happy birthday Dad!! If you ever need to talk and/or vent to me, I’ll always be here to listen. Have the time of your life today, alright? I love you so much.