tw // megapvp, a6d, pedo, s*xting, manipulation, grooming, sensitive topics -- heyo, quail here i got some things to address: -as you may or may not have noticed, 'mask | megapvp x reader' has been taken down. mega recently got exposed for cheating on his gf another younger girl, lying about his age, and s*xting. (there may be more that i didnt cover) with all of this news coming out about him, it really just came as a big shock to me and frankly, im just really upset and disappointed. this sort of situation also happened before with a6d (if you don't know, he manipulated and groomed girls who were minors) and i was very close to taking down the book, but not doing so as a6d was more of a side character than a main one. this time, it's much worse, as mega was basically the main focus i don't feel comfortable about having written a fanfic about a person who does/did these things and i really don't think the story is going to be put up again. i'm sorry to those who liked the book itself, and to those who were currently reading but never got to finish this was probably also obvious but the rewrite is also going to be cancelled bc of this fyi please stay safe, hydrate, and eat a snack <3 again, im so sorry about all of this mess - quail

its alright ^^ the book was unfinished for the most part anyway and i was losing a lot of motivation tor it

@q-u-a-i-l ty for taking it down, and really sorry the book you worked on was kinda ruined