Hi guys, I officially took "if you were my boy" down because I couldn't keep up. I have so much to do, and I just couldn't bring myself to write because I had a writing blockage. I don't know when, but I'll definitely re-upload this book, but 10 times better.

@oremizu it's was really spontaneously because I just couldn't keep up with school and everything. My plan was it to publish this book when all the chapters are done and proofread, but I just couldn't wait. I'll try to re-upload as soon as possible pls be patient <3

ngl my heart dropped when i couldn't find the book in my library, i was feeling quite excited too since i expected there to be a whole bunch of chapters already done and dusted. and me- taking a long break from wp, thought that i'd be relaxing while binge-reading the 'supposedly' published chaps. so yeah, thank god, and thank you for this message. very assuring! hope you figure out everything irl, i'll be rooting for you. xx