
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh guys, I'm finally back on wattad Alhaduillah.It's been a long time but I'm back and planning inshallah to start uploading Finding Ibtisam again. Jazakullahu khair for everyone who has been sending me beautiful supportive messages, I appreciate it sooooo much :) https://www.wattpad.com/story/85936912


@1-800-Hit-That-Yeet Inshalllah yes, ill be editing my chapters and reposting them every week (one chapter per week) :).




Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh guys, I'm finally back on wattad Alhaduillah.It's been a long time but I'm back and planning inshallah to start uploading Finding Ibtisam again. Jazakullahu khair for everyone who has been sending me beautiful supportive messages, I appreciate it sooooo much :) https://www.wattpad.com/story/85936912


@1-800-Hit-That-Yeet Inshalllah yes, ill be editing my chapters and reposting them every week (one chapter per week) :).


          hi..how you doing today?
          My very first book on progress and its third chapter still on the run..
          It would mean so much to me if you could check & read my story
          Please feel free to vote and comment your views.
          I shall value comments, because it can make improve our upcoming chapters.InshaALLAH.
          Links from here:
          latest update:
          https://www.wattpad.com/574838294-absolute-blessing-chapter2-part 2good-things-take-time
          thanks for reading ... ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ and take care..!!


Assalamualaikum guys,
          I hope you guys are all doing well, I’ve got some news, I’m not sure if you guys are going to take it well.But I decided to unpublished ‘Finding Ibtisam’.
          I know it’s out of the blue, but it’s something I need to do.
          I’ve just been extremely busy with school and their are other things going on in my life that are affecting me.
          I am genuinely finding it hard to upload chapters and even thinking about what to write.
          Inshallah in the future I might publish Finding Ibtisam again, but for know I’m sorry and I make dua that you guys will understand where I’m coming from.
          Jazakullahu khair, and I want to thank every person who has fully supported me and has literally made my time on Wattpad a journey to remember❤️


@Malika_Belqis walaikum asalam warahmathullahi wabarakathaho sissy .i love ur work and respect u. I just want u to know love ur work and  i am looking forword to read it in future Allah hafiz 


@laaiqu_13 Jazakullahu khair for your love and support, I really appreciate it❤


@Malika_Belqis walaylumusalaam♡
            Don't worry take your time!


Assalamualaikum guys,
          New chapter of ‘Finding Ibtisam’ is up❤️☺️
          Inshallah you guys like it
          More secrets of the past are revealed
          Jazakullahu khair


@Malika_Belqis ☺way yaki ..musa did suprise me a bit but then  everybody have a story to tell 


Assalamualaikum wrwb! 
          GUESS WHAT!! I read finding ibtisam completely.. i couldn't stop myself frm reading the storyy.. it was totally captivating!. ❤️
          But now I'm waiting 4 ur updates day n n8... 
          Hope u update soon habibti!! 


Wa alaikumu Salam sister,
            Jazakullahu khair habibati, it means the world to me.Alhamdulillah you liked my story❤️☺️
            I actually uploaded today, inshallah you enjoy the new chapter


Assalamu akalikum warahmathullahi wabarakathaho sissy ! Hope so u'r doing good . Just want to say that masha'Allah ur work is amazing . Just can't wait to read the nxt chp of finding ibtisam. Hope u update soon .Allah hafiz ☺☺


Wa alaikumu Salam  sister,
            Alhamdulillah I’m glad to hear you liked my story, it really makes me happy to hear this. I uploaded a new chapter today❤️☺️ 
            May Allah reward you for you kindness
            Jazakullahu khair 