I am sorry guys and girls. To anyone that had read my story, I want to announce that I was unpub them. 'cause I wanna remake it. Nanti.. Bila dah better sikit storyline nye... Korg komen lh.
Bgi pendapat or anything.
Bosan lah kalo krik ii je. Kan aku dh ckp yg aku ni boleh dikatakan open minded. So korg jngn lah risau. Nak aq update, cakp je nak update.
Korg jngn risau. Aku really ii appreciate vote n comment korg.
Dlm mse yg sme, kite boleh berkenalan kan? Right? Yes ofc.
So jngn malu ii dngn aku. Nak tanya apa ii, go on. Curious something, ask me.
Kalo ade mse aku tk blas tu means.. internet aku habis ler
Okey itu aje. muah