So, I got news
I had to be offline here for amount of months . Becouse
I still feel sick And I don't really know why, in these pass months .
Its get worse. Its just get so worse that make me can't sleep, either eat or do something with out panic Or a motive to do anything . Even something I used enjoying it .
But yeah , im might be online here . In the end of year ... Or when I can online .
Im about make fanfic 'Garou x reader' but , my head does not feel so good . And I had no time do think about it :') .
That its I guess:D . Thx for reading this and I hope your day/night ,where ever you are its going be great ! And fine tho . And yes , pls take care of your health <3
These pass years might be a shitty expriments but , im sure you are strong!:DD
Ok now , I need to goo Byyeeeeee <333