this message may be offensive
id kill to be skinny and i know it sounds offensive because body positivity goes both ways but by far id rather be called a skeleton than be normal weight and get jealous whenever i see someone with a thigh gap, its so insane because ive completely lost my appetite and even though im hungry, it feels like if i have even a bit of food ill gain all the weight back. i cant sleep and im awake day and night, aware day and night and either looking for laxatives or the opportunity to purge without drawing attention. its gotten so bad that i still find a way to make it about becoming skinny even if the comment is something sexual or lustful and i hate that. i hate both things, but i hate the fact that when i was talking to him and he explicitly asked if im comfortable and okay with it if he says one thing sexual and i said yes, he said something that was meant to be a compliment but i took it as something bad. i wont go into detail on what it was, but most people would kill and all i want is to walk without the insides of my thighs touching. i wanna sit on chairs and lean forwards at school without being scared that stubborn bra fat will show through the fabric of my shirt. my weight is already dropping, so is my bmi and so is my clothes size, but its not enough, it doesnt feel like enough. i know in a few days if i continue what lifestyle im going through im gonna look severely malnourished, or the way that i want to look, but im impatient, and im wasting all my time on trying to be skinny. instead of sleeping, i work out, if i lay down, i do stuff with my legs or search for ways to burn fat while stationary, ill stand up because you can burn about a hundred calories while standing and i learnt that when i was 7 because i thought i was fat. instead of eating, i stare at the skinniest person on the table and imagine thats me, because shes so much taller than me but she probably weighs so much less. i wanna be thin so bad its not funny anymore