Hai guys ! Okay actually before this Med ada publish this one story la kat wattpad but Med dah delete the story. So, one day after a few weeks Med delete, my friends tiba tiba tanya Med "bila nak update your story?" then Med terkejut la sebab Med dah delete that book but orang lain still boleh read the book. So for you guys yang still keep the book at your library section please remove my booK because you wont get any update from me because as I said that I dah delete. Ye this thing dah lama berlaku but Med ingat because wattpad problem la but tak sangka buku Med tu still tak pupus dari wattpad so I kinda nak mencarut sebab I dont want anyone read it ok. -_-
So, Med saja je bagitahu. Bukan acah retis cuma, manalah tahu one day makin ramai yang notice buku tu and read. ergh I just IF diorang interested they may keep kan? so yeah apa apa je la.
The tajuk : Hopes Begin In The Dark
Thanks bebeh.