
hi guys !! i decided to rewrite my old book Drift King. Shoukd i do it or not? I'm afraid if no one going to read it again hehe


guys ! i know it have been so long :(
          i'm sorry for disappearing so sudden !!
          i want to continue writing DRIFT KING but yeah thats book disappear :( may i know whoever perhaps saved that book? i love my drift king 


@Hopesstan101 OHMYGOD REALLY?? its okay ! can you dm me ? 


@aesthetickim_  that's like a half year later, but yeah, I have the book in my library....sorry for being late tho :/


Beautiful person award ❤
          Once you get the award you should post it in the walls of eight people who deserve it...if u break it nothing will happen :), but its nice to know someone thinks you are beautiful inside out ❤❤❤
          I purple u ❤