
I woke up today extremely happy to launch the new season of Stranger Things, however, as everything in this world never goes right the first time, when I opened my social networks I received the sad news that my favorite youtuber died... Cancer is a damn disease that we have to be very careful of. I wasn't close to him and I haven't been a fan of his for over a year, I even joined the fandom a month ago after he was diagnosed with this disease, i cried so much when i got attached to him and realized i could lose him as i jumped for joy when he said he had been cured, now hours after after having seen tributes, videos and everything I endured to see, I finally realize that nothing is forever, and that maybe for starters, he wouldn't win this time... Technoblade is certainly the greatest player of Minecraft that existed and maybe that will exist. He's not just a youtuber and not just a gamer, he's an amazing person who never tried to look more or less than he really was, and even now, with this huge void, he is still there by our side brightening our days. Yes, I say this quietly, he is one of the greatest influencers that ever existed on the networks and my favorite of all.
          	Rest in peace king, good game️


I woke up today extremely happy to launch the new season of Stranger Things, however, as everything in this world never goes right the first time, when I opened my social networks I received the sad news that my favorite youtuber died... Cancer is a damn disease that we have to be very careful of. I wasn't close to him and I haven't been a fan of his for over a year, I even joined the fandom a month ago after he was diagnosed with this disease, i cried so much when i got attached to him and realized i could lose him as i jumped for joy when he said he had been cured, now hours after after having seen tributes, videos and everything I endured to see, I finally realize that nothing is forever, and that maybe for starters, he wouldn't win this time... Technoblade is certainly the greatest player of Minecraft that existed and maybe that will exist. He's not just a youtuber and not just a gamer, he's an amazing person who never tried to look more or less than he really was, and even now, with this huge void, he is still there by our side brightening our days. Yes, I say this quietly, he is one of the greatest influencers that ever existed on the networks and my favorite of all.
          Rest in peace king, good game️


Eu acordei hoje extremamente feliz por lançar a nova temporada de stranger things, porém, como tudo nesse mundo nunca dá certo da primeira vez, quando abri minhas redes sociais recebo a triste notícia que meu youtuber favorito morreu... Câncer é uma doença maldita da qual temos que ter muito cuidado. Eu não era próxima dele e não sou fã dele há mais do que um ano, inclusive, entrei pro fandom um mês depois dele ser diagnosticado com essa doença, chorei tanto quando me apeguei a ele e percebi que poderia perde-lo como pulei de alegria quando ele disse que havia sido curado, agora horas depois de ter visto homenagens, videos e tudo que eu suportei ver, percebo finalmente que nada é pra sempre, e que talvez para começar, ele não vencesse dessa vez... Technoblade é com certeza o maior jogador de Minecraft que existiu e talvez que existirá. Ele não é só um youtuber e não só um gamer, é uma pessoa incrível que nunca tentou parecer mais ou menos do que realmente era, e até mesmo agora, com este enorme vazio, ele ainda está lá do nosso lado alegrando nossos dias. Sim, eu digo tranquilamente isso, ele é um dos maiores influencers que já existiram nas redes e meu preferido dentre todos.
          Descanse em paz rei, bom jogo️