
plus thanks and hey to the 30+ people who followed me all of a sudden over the last few days ?? love you !!


Hey you've probably never heard from me before but I've had your TNS books in my library for ages, and I just decided to re-read them.
          I wanted to tell you that tns: a true boyfriend was one of the sole reasons I started my own tns one-shot book. It had a structure and had storylines that I thoroughly enjoyed and wanted to present in my writing.
          This is probably such a random pop-up but I just wanted to say thanks for the inspiration and that I love your work 


@AllTheSecretsYouHave i love you i love you i love you this just made my entire day ❤ i'm so so so glad my writing inspired you, knowing that means so much to me. definitely going to give some of your stuff a read ♡