how's yer day goin'? <3

I'm fuckin' cryin' brooo!!! I fuckin' can't! I just confessed to my crush to reveal that HE LIKES ME BACK LIKE WTF? now we are a thing! gfytrrutftgdretyh I fuckin' cant!!!

Hi there ^ ^, I hope you're well wherever you are (b ᵔ▽ᵔ)b Thanks for the follow if you have time check out my story (.❛ ᴗ ❛.) Bye, and have nice day (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ

I need to end a dispute, moonbli or winterwatcher?

@DRacine thank u

@DRacine that's a problem lmao

Happy Valentine’s Day my queen

Hello, how are you? I see that you are a Glorybringer shipper like me! I love Wings Of Fire. Maybe you would like some of my stories? I have some Wings Of Fire(WOF) fanfiction that you might like! Check it out if you like and I am sorry if you consider this spamming and annoying just suggesting that you might like my stories! Anyways, bye and I hope you have/had a good day!

Side note: I be writing a Glorybringer fanfiction if you want to check it out. It hasn't been published I just need to come up with a idea for what will happen and you are welcome to give suggestions if you would like!