Hello Everyone!
I will be updating AIW throughout all of next week as well as updating GR. I was going to start today, but I wanted to get my readers input on something:
I did end up changing the story line. It's not too drastic, but this story is more true to what trauma actually does. It's not the same sort of fluff that was in the original story. So I'm wondering, and I've had a hard time deciding on my own so I've brought this to you guys since I know some of you really like this one, should I update new chapters to get rid of the old ones or keep the old ones up and update the new ones in front of those ones so it'll read as the new story, I'll put a note that beyond that point is the old version, and label the old chapters as "old version" as well? That way for those that like the first version better, they can still go back to it when they want?
let me know :) I'll be taking everyones opinion into account and making the decision on Monday
thank you everyone for the support :)