
i went to see urine town the musical and it was suprisingly amazing? like genuinely one of the better shows i’ve seen


Hey, Dreamer!
          I know we haven’t talked in a while, but I wanted to wish you a happy 2 year Wattpad anniversary!
          (I hope it’s not creepy that I know what date you joined Wattpad; my computer shows me when I go on people’s profiles lol)
          You’re someone who I still trust a lot and you’re amazing (and awesome and I could go on and on) and I’m super glad that we met (even before the WNA with you, me, Quills, Notes, and Cards).
          I hope you have an amazing day (whenever you see this because I know you’re not as active anymore)! I love you (platonically)!


@queenofnarnia1012 honestly, I would prefer you, even if you’re less active. I’ve known you for almost two years now and I trust you


@Broadway_Crackers sorry i never responded to this!! i haven't been on wattpad in forever. i come on here like every few months, so maybe you want someone who will be more active?


@queenofnarnia1012 okay, so basically, two of my good friends nominated me for president (as a joke lol) and now we’re running with the idea, so I’m making a cabinet. There aren’t too many spots left, so there may not be the best choices, but if you want, I’d like you to be on my cabinet. You definitely do not have to join, but if you want to, I’ll send you the spots (most people just picked the one that they found sounded the coolest to them lol)


finally found out how to edit my profile on my phone so new aesthetic wooo


@queenofnarnia1012 boy tell me rn you goofy ahh baka


hiii how are you!!! 
          i wanted to check in, i hope you’re having a great day! <3


@queenofnarnia1012 ooh i see, the style of music sounds pretty cool! Yeahh, i like it its really funny 


@yuungstunnaas yea it’s not very popular (and for good reason, it’s lowkey boring). it’s a golden age style music but it was made in the early 2000s. ooh fun!!!


Read it all, I mean it. 
          If you were killed, I wouldn’t be at your funeral. I’d be in jail for killing the person who killed you. We are true friends. We ride together, we die together. Send this to everybody you care about. See how many times you get this. I want you to know that you are an amazing friend, till death and forever. 
          If I don’t get this back, I understand. But I have a game for you. Once you read this letter, you must send it to 15 people including me. ❤️If you get at least three back you are loved. ❤️Nobody knows how important something is until they lose it. 
          Tonight (right at 12:00pm) the person you love will realize they love you. Then from 1:00pm to 2:00pm be ready for the shock of your life! 
          If you break this chain, you will have bad luck. With love, send this to the 15. If you don’t, you will turn ugly next year. 
          A friend told me to do this so pass it on. Don’t send to a group chat!!


just updated the character aesthetics for freefall!!
          it took me the whole day (idk how but pinterest always manages to suck me into its dark hole completely)
          lmk what y'all think abt them! <33
          same goes for the new cover
          stay awesome,
          --marie xo


@mariexwriter i’ll follow ur insta! (i just won’t be able to let u follow me back sorry). haha yes my name backwards is the same!


i just realised, your name is the same whether you read it backwards or forwards. how cool is that? lmaoooo im so weird


im also good, thank you! tho exams and all be happening now fjrwiorhfrnwlvoi


hi! i'm sosososos thankful for u staying throughout the whole of my book. if you wanted to, i'd really appreciate if you wrote a teeny weeny review -- your opi on the book somewhere is the comment section of a chapter? i'm just a new writer looking for feedback, hope this doesnt sound weird oop


@mariexwriter oh thatd be cool! and right back at you, follow your dreams


broadway doesn't sound half as bad either lmao. follow your dreams!


honestly all of the careers originating from eng lang sound appealing to me. somehow getting into a literary agency would be a dream