
@MorganaMerlina yeah most of my friends are really different of me..And about the taste in music, I live in a small city so is almost impossible to find someone with good taste in music here haha https://www.facebook.com/ana.almeida.35977 this is my facebook,feel free to add me..
          	Oh and sorry for my ignorance but what is 'cumbia villera'? I never heard about that.


I'm pretty sure you never heard about it. It's from my country, and is really disgusting, it's like i don't know if you heard about them, but do you know "wachiturros" ? . i can't explain it. Lyrics are about disgusting things, and the way the talk in this kind of "music", (cause they don't sing, they just talk), is kind of rude. You should look for it, if you hear something from "wachiturros" (it's an invented word) or "damas gratis" (that means Easy Ladies), i'll be able to explain to you why that music is so obscene for some people here. (because of the way they talk, and the thing the sing about) I could explain it to you.   


Yeaah. i love cold too. i would love to live in a really cold place, and actually, i don't like summer, makes me go insane everytime. And sometimes i don't feel comfortable being around the people i know :P , but just because they like things i don't like, (talking about music or tv shows). It's a little difficult to find someone with the same taste in music and that kind of stuff, at least for me, because of where i live. Most of teens like "cumbia villera" that is really nasty actually. jajaja. do you have facebook? :)


@MorganaMerlina haha yeah I love him too.. Actually,both of them (daryl and norman) hahaha I never got the chance to watch Once Upon a Time.. SOme of my friends tell me to watch but I didnt have time..And yeah I totally get your feeling about not belonging where you are at.. I think I should have born at Sweden or some really cold place cause everybody thinks that I'm tanned like most of the brazilian girls,in fact I only get burned when I stay to much in the sun,besides I love cold (I like summer too,but I dont feel very comfortable)..


Right now i'm in love with TWD too, such a shame we have to waaaaaaaaaaaait. and i felt in love with Norman Reedus, (and daryl dixon too :P ) it's like - drooling ...all the time. jaja. And don't laugh, but i love Once Upon A Time :P . i don't know, sometimes i feel like i don't belong here. (where i am. ) so weeeeird.! 


really? i learned from music, movies and reading. Actually it helped me more than learning at school. i don't know why, but i learned what i know for myself, like ( something stupid ) , i love FRIENDS, and it's my favorite comedy, and i learned a lot just from watching it. don't know how! :S . i think it is because i always loved the cultured and the language! 


@MorganaMerlina really? Wow I never heard about those ames before! haha Actually,I took some classes a long time ago,but I quit,after that I learned all by myself,mostly from music or reading..I really like english so its not that difficult..Awhile ago I had some conversation classes that helped me with my pronunciation,but I quit too.. How about you?


oh really?your name is lovely. but, here, in my country Benjamin and Matthew are really common, benjamin not that much, but matthew.. it's like every boy in every corner name's Matthew jaja! . i like different names too, like Ciro or Pilar, or Mircala ( here they're not even known jaja) . everytime someone says they like my name, i'm happy, because it's really hard to bell call Morgana here! jajaja. heey, how do you know so much english?