Reading Lists
I love going through your messages board and seeing you brag about me knowing I have two accounts now. Meaning you'll get a reply with both if I see fit. I love you so damn much. Thank you for being my girlfriend. You make me laugh and smile when sleep is impossible!
sometimes I wish I was a miscarriage or stillborn, then my mum could at least love the idea of who I could have become instead of hate what I have become.
@queenshiz69 despite what you might feel right now remember you're my heaven on earth only a while longer til my arms are around you and you're safe from that
Find someone who's gonna let you cry cus u feel ugly for 3 hours straight the way @twonamedauthor let's me. While they also give advice and dont tell u ur being dramatic and help you calm down before you have panic attacks. All through a fucking screen
Small boobs fill my heart Big boobs fill my hands All boobs fill my mouth Can I get an amen -Spencer (a friend)
@queenshiz69 that shit made me cackle so he deserved a spot in my snap story.
Ruined my relationship with my favourite person ever. Yey </3
@queenshiz69 I didn't get the notification that you posted this baby. I love you and it'll take a whole lot of shit to push me completely out of your life. I'm here forever princess in anyway I get to be.
@Anime_simp0905 I still have them which is surprising Cus what I did was so majorly fucked up. I just feel like I might have put a hole in the relationship that is going to take forever to fix. I’m willing to fix it ofc but still hurts knowing I did summin that bad ya know. The feeling of loosing them was disgusting I felt like throwing up. I just don’t wanna do that again. If u ever wanna talk I’m always free I have no life
I don’t like the aot new opening but the ENDING IS SO FUVKING BEAUTIFUL OMG
@Axel_Kolp just goes to show aot is the FUCKING BESTTTTTT
@Axel_Kolp the fact I fell in love with the opening after a week of posting that
Happy new year from the Uk I hope you all had a great year (as good as can be) And to those who didn’t, I hope this year is better❤️
Wanted to make a PSA. I really love you @XxMasterWolfxX . That’s it. Just wanted to share my love for my beautiful partner. At 5:35am. Cus their always on my mind. I love you gorgeous
@queenshiz69 I'm 100% looking through everything on your account rn and I haven't been on that one in a while bc I've been so busy writing. I love you princess I'm glad you always think of me
Istg I was crying over summin dumb that @XxMasterWolfxX will know bout and I went to see my noties, ISTG YALL WATTPAD COMMENTS LIGHT UP MOOD SO MUCH!!!! if I have been in a reply section with any of you lot I just want you guys to know, You make laugh when I feel like shit. @XxMasterWolfxX you are my light and whenever I’m left alone without you I feel dim. I thank you guys for making me stupid laugh when @XxMasterWolfxX is not there!
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