My English teacher said something interesting to me today. A student was presenting his love for animation and how he wanted to be an animator when he grew up, but ever since starting high school he just hasn't had the time to animate anything. The last time he properly created an animated short was in 7th grade. Reflecting upon that, my English teacher said, "Isn't it strange how we can no longer do the things we love and want to make careers out of someday, because high school is taking too much time out of our lives? Shouldn't children be encouraged to do what they love and what they want to make a career out of, which is one of the main purposes of high school?" Preach, teacher, preach. Writing is what I want to do, it is my love, it is my passion, it is what I want to have a career in, but my time is no longer mine. As exams come around I haven't had the chance to focus on what I love. Either I don't have time or my mind is too worn out to accomplish anything. That is why I haven't updated in a while and I am very sorry for that. I miss all of you, you are what makes this story so amazing. Please always pursue the thing that you love, and know that I will get back to you with my writing as soon as I can. I genuinely love every one of you. I hope to see you very soon. Gabi, out! (sorry, I've been watching a lot of Star Trek recently)