
Hey guys!!! Long time, no see? So sorry to those who have been waiting AGES for a chapter. Being a first year uni student just takes all my time, but I will always find time for books. Next week, I'll have about 4 new chapters of "Voices In my Head" ready to be published!!


@queenxwinchsterx hey new reader here and can't wait


Hey guys!!! Long time, no see? So sorry to those who have been waiting AGES for a chapter. Being a first year uni student just takes all my time, but I will always find time for books. Next week, I'll have about 4 new chapters of "Voices In my Head" ready to be published!!


@queenxwinchsterx hey new reader here and can't wait


° ━━━ ☆ HI AND tysm for the follow !! I'm going to comment some more on your book voices in my head when I'm free some more. :)


@queenxwinchsterx I'm really enjoying the book as well :[


@queenxwinchsterx, no problem !! I'd love it if you could comment on my book ghost of mine, but you obviously don't have to, of course !! ( so sorry if this sounds rude at all ) 


Hiii!! I apologize for the lack of updates, I've been going through my final exams since October and I haven't really had the time to write anything, the last two months of high school was stressful. But now I'm free and I promise I will publish a few chapters by next week


Hey guys!!! So, to whoever has been waiting for a while on an undate for The Originals fanfiction (Shattered) that I have been writing... there will not be one. I have decided to discontinue the book, due to the fact that many of the tvdu actors and actresses are supporting Israel and I am not comfortable continuing the story. I stand with Palestine and Gaza, I stand with the men, women and children who have been suffering from oppression for 70+ years, no matter what. If you don't like that, unfollow me, stop reading my books, I really don't care. I apologize to those who were enjoying the story, to those who have been waiting for an update.  You can check out my other books if you're still interested...