GUYS. COME ON. I keep seeing comments on the Maurens chapter in the Hamilships book saying that John didn’t love Martha and married her out of pity. YES. That is the point. BUT. STOP SAYING SHE DIDNT LOVE HER. Gay men can love women platonically <3 I know, crazy right? That was literally the point of the entire goddamn chapter, guys.
Also, as a queer person, I don’t appreciate straight people on that book yelling about “my smol gay boi UWU” or “HES GAYYYY HES GAYYY LOOK HES GAYY”
stop. We queer people have so much more about us than being gay ✨ I would appreciate it if you would not make a character just their sexuality, especially if you’re only doing that when the character is gay and you aren’t. I understand what it feels like when you’re queer and underrepresented and you connect so strongly to a character, but otherwise please I beg of you stop. Gay people are not gay for your enjoyment.
I know it’s not that serious but I really am just so sick of seeing comments like that. Enjoy the book but don’t objectify gay people :D
No one will read this but for those who did, thanks.
Also reminder I wrote basically everything in my acc right now when I was twelve or younger.
I’ve moved on to better places ✨ (aka AO3)