
Hi, Hallo, Olla, its been awhilen seen the last time I post the last part (xixi) anyway the past view month I was busy with my collage and also my internship, But I also started a new book, the inspiration is from a game that been happening, I f you play Love and deepspace, yes I make a fun story basic ly this story will be just one character, the first book will be started with sylus, is a dark romance kinda story, I will stared posted at the end  augst.


Hi, Hallo, Olla, its been awhilen seen the last time I post the last part (xixi) anyway the past view month I was busy with my collage and also my internship, But I also started a new book, the inspiration is from a game that been happening, I f you play Love and deepspace, yes I make a fun story basic ly this story will be just one character, the first book will be started with sylus, is a dark romance kinda story, I will stared posted at the end  augst.


Hi, Hallo, Olla, its been awhilen seen the last time I post the last part (xixi) anyway the past view month I was busy with my collage and also my internship, But I also started a new book, the inspiration is from a game that been happening, I f you play Love and deepspace, yes I make a fun story basic ly this story will be just one character, the first book will be started with sylus, is a dark romance kinda story, I will stared posted at the end f augst.


Hello my dearest readers… makasih banyak buat kalian yang udah banyak banget ke DM aku dari IG dan juga Wattpad, rata2 isi dmnya nanyain prihal Tiktok yaa..tenang aja aku gak papa hanya saja aku Lagi sibuk banget sama Kuliah aku, aku harap kalian bisa mengerti yaahh..kita akan ketemu lagi dan insyallah aku bakal produktif lagi nanti diawal bulan ☺️


Hallo hallo siapa nih yang disini udah kangen sama cerita One-Shoot aku yang Tom Hiddleston X Reader coba komen di bawah untuk nextnya mau update yang mana dulu 
          -Meet me at my Office
          -Forbidden Love
          -Lustful Desire
          -Prince of Asgrad
          Mau yang mana dulu nih??? 


@quenbeex_ meet me at my office, kak:D




Anyong cingu, hello everyone.....
          Gimana cerita baru yang aku buat??? 
          Serukah...?, jujue r sebenernya ini cerita udah pernah aku post waktu itu udah lama banget si....
          Tapi karena waktu itu belum banyak followers jadi aku masukin draft gitu..., dan emang pas waktu itu tuh....ceritanya masih polos (immature) untuk yang ini aku rada modif sedikit.
          Mungkin bagi pembaca lama bakalan bingung kok beda alurnya...??? Iyaa aku ubah sedikit alur ceritanya tapi tetep sama kok☺️,
          Dan untuk pembaca aku dari Tiktok,Line (grup) dan telegram...Hi salam kenal yaaa semoga suka sama cerita baru aku TEACH ME HOW TO LOVE YOU, jangan lupa di share ke temennya yaaa...di vote juga boleh 
          Makasih yaaa udah mau baca cerita aku 
          Nantikan part 3 dan 4 minggu depan