
A lot of my stories are going to be on a hiatus for now. I have lost my love for writing but I intend on getting it back. I will be somewhat starting fresh and publishing new stories until I can get my groove back and go back to the ones I’ve already published. I just ask for you to bear with me and thank you for all the love and support you’ve given me so far.


A lot of my stories are going to be on a hiatus for now. I have lost my love for writing but I intend on getting it back. I will be somewhat starting fresh and publishing new stories until I can get my groove back and go back to the ones I’ve already published. I just ask for you to bear with me and thank you for all the love and support you’ve given me so far.


Can we get some updates on the books please? ( not trying to be rude or anything, I just wanted to ask. It’s ok if you don’t do it )


I just saw this right now. I’ve been trying to get updates for you guys but I have a severe case of writers block and I’m also in a slump. I try to write but then I just leave it alone. I’ll make sure to try and update something this weekend.


I unpublished many of my books that I wasn't working on at the moment. I will eventually get back to them after I finish my Stray Kids series. I have most of the members but Changbin because I don't know what to do with him yet. I'll tell you more details in the future.


It’s in the works


Can you do a seungmin on please