youve been playing for free in the lamest dives w ur TALENTLESS TENTH RATE BAND and once a decent replacement arrives they tell u to GO POUND SAND!! now ur stuck at the foot of mount rockkk and ur not even close to the trailll ur a JOKE and a FOOL and ur so called career is an epic spectacular FAIL. well we’re DONE putting up w ur freeloading ways cough the rent up in THIRTY DAYS. OR WE DUMP ALL YOUR SHLOCK … off the side of mount rock. then we change every lockkkk AND WE’RE DONE WITH MOUNT ROCKKKKKKKKKK
youve been playing for free in the lamest dives w ur TALENTLESS TENTH RATE BAND and once a decent replacement arrives they tell u to GO POUND SAND!! now ur stuck at the foot of mount rockkk and ur not even close to the trailll ur a JOKE and a FOOL and ur so called career is an epic spectacular FAIL. well we’re DONE putting up w ur freeloading ways cough the rent up in THIRTY DAYS. OR WE DUMP ALL YOUR SHLOCK … off the side of mount rock. then we change every lockkkk AND WE’RE DONE WITH MOUNT ROCKKKKKKKKKK
waiting for the cast list (they have to choose between 3 people to cast as dewey and theyre all rlly good they had me and my friends tweaking out when they were singing together)