Hi, you've uploaded a fic of mine that you stole from Tumblr. I didn't give you permission to do so, you didn't ask either - please take it down and stop stealing people's work.

But I understand why you would feel that way like I stole because I didn’t ask permission to repost your fic that’s my bad but on the other hand in the description it says “This is for the bangchan Stan's that are delusional :D but also these stories are from tumblr these are not my work for the stories I will credit the author so you can go to tumblr and read more of their works if you like the one that I put” which in context saying I didn’t write the stories I’m just reposting while also putting credit of the author who wrote the story so I’m kind of confused in the head of how I stole it and stealing other peoples work…but I respect you and other peoples boundaries so I apologize for not asking permission in the first place to start the problem. I’ve deleted both stories that you wrote .