I almost had forgotten about Broken, the Rhett and Link fanfic I started Freshman year (I am now a Junior). I cannot believe that I came back to over four THOUSAND reads and almost 200 stars. I am literally baffled at the love you all have shown for this fic, and I cannot thank you enough.
I am so so sorry for the extended hiatus, but my life has been an absolute mess over the past year. I hope you can understand.
But, I'm very excited to say that I'm back, and I'm excited to share more stories with you! Thank you all for your love and support and for putting up with me and my disappearance.
I hope to be able to finish out Broken with part 13 and maybe 14 (depends on how much more I fit into part 13) and also to continue Stop Me. I also have some new story ideas as well as some works from my creative writing class that I hope to share with you all.
Thank you again!