It’s so freaking hot where I live OMG
I’m trying to spend more time indoors and keep writing but writers block SUCKS ;-;
I’m almost halfway done writing my Jin fix and a quarter of the way through Yoongi’s.
I finished writing all of Barriers, so I just need to publish it. I’m trying to do about one chapter every one/two weeks but I’m bad at actually sticking to my plan.
It’ll hopefully be finished before September, then around October, I can start publishing my BTS series. I think you all will definitely enjoy it, it’s based off a post I found somewhere describing each boy with a bunch of sights/sounds/smells etc. I thought it fit them well and I was inspired to write~
I dunno if anyone actually reads these but I’m happy to at least gotten this out there.
Please vote and comment on my stories, it means so much to me!