Abbieeeeee...... Where are you????? I have a request i just want you to consider it.... If you don't mind love there is new bl series Advance bravely author chi jedan can you please watch this series and write a good story.... No pressure couple name yuan zong and. Xia yao....... Still waiting for your update love....
@SleepyGrimReaper hello...... Love your story beaming forth bt i want to read it one more time but i can't read first chapter there any ways that i can read please help me...
Abbieeeeee...... Where are you????? I have a request i just want you to consider it.... If you don't mind love there is new bl series Advance bravely author chi jedan can you please watch this series and write a good story.... No pressure couple name yuan zong and. Xia yao....... Still waiting for your update love....
Hey, love! I hope you are all right now and on your way to recovery. Take care of yourself. Stay safe, take your meds, eat healthy, lots of water and be a good girl!❤ God bless!❤
@r222288 I would have messaged you days ago but thought you might still be unwell. I'm so glad to know that you are feeling better now! Love you too! Take care!❤❤
@AbbieButtonbee thank you so much love for concern don't worry i am perfectly fine and thanks again for asking you are first author who message me i am so happy thank you lv u