
I apologise for not being able to post frequently. I have my exams on the way and I need to focus a bit more into it. I'll definitely get back once it's over or whenever I get the time to write the story. Thank You so Much for reading the story and supporting me throughout the journey. 
          	I had tried to post it on a weekly basis but it didn't seem it work due to my ruthless schedule. Thus I have decided to post as soon as I am free.
          	Thank You again My Dearest Readers and Followers for choosing to read my work.


I apologise for not being able to post frequently. I have my exams on the way and I need to focus a bit more into it. I'll definitely get back once it's over or whenever I get the time to write the story. Thank You so Much for reading the story and supporting me throughout the journey. 
          I had tried to post it on a weekly basis but it didn't seem it work due to my ruthless schedule. Thus I have decided to post as soon as I am free.
          Thank You again My Dearest Readers and Followers for choosing to read my work.