
Hi everyone! I have a new account with fresh new content! Please, please, please head on over to @Let's-try-again. If you need to find me by my new works, which I plan to dedicate myself to, try 'Stellarlune My Way - Because I Seriously Cannot Wait' or 'T R A N S C R I P T'. I would really appreciate it! I plan on being more involved on Wattpad and I would love having some fellow bookworms and writers taking this brand new start with me :). Thanks everyone!


Hi everyone! I have a new account with fresh new content! Please, please, please head on over to @Let's-try-again. If you need to find me by my new works, which I plan to dedicate myself to, try 'Stellarlune My Way - Because I Seriously Cannot Wait' or 'T R A N S C R I P T'. I would really appreciate it! I plan on being more involved on Wattpad and I would love having some fellow bookworms and writers taking this brand new start with me :). Thanks everyone!


Hey everyone! All my followers! Yes, you! Please follow this account, I changed it from the FreyKid one.
          Thanks so much! I'm jumping back into writing and want to get real work done in other fanfictions from so many fandoms - I'm sorry I've been hoarding them for years. They are so great, and I really hope you'll enjoy them. Follow me and I'll follow you back!


Yo! I'm going to try to return to Wattpad since I am in deep needy need of conversation with other people. High school has struck and left its mark pretty deep, and I gotta relax in some way, right?
          So...how's everybody doing? It would be so awesome to see if you guys could check my profile page and post a sentence about something you're interested in as well from my unruly list of obsessions. I feel like Wattpad has died down a bit since I left it, but I'm not sure. Let's see how many of you are dormant, and how many awake!


Hi, I'm not super good at keeping up and posting here but I just wanted to say hi and ask a question!
          Do any of you have long President's weekend this weekend? Aka today? What's your favorite thing that you plan to do?
          Have an awesome one!!!!


@rabiasiddiqui90 haha Me too! You already know of course but still :D I am planning to party on Monday since it's my birthday!


Hello, to the very small masses!
          First off, thanks for clicking on my book and giving me the reads. It means a LOT. I really loved Atypical's plot and characters, and I just really wanted the Magnus Chase world to continue. So, instead of waiting for Rick's big 'everyone in the book world mash-up', in the immortal words of Percy Jackson, I thought, "Fine. I'll do it myself."
          I think I might just be posting a few interactive conversations for fun, and it would be pretty cool if you guys participated. Thanks!
          Question of the Day: What's your favorite world? Greaco/Roman, Norse, or Egyptian? I mean, from Rick's stuff, obviously.