
Hey guys, go make sure you read the author's note in HTB! It's very very important! I'm taking down that story but the note explains everything :)
          	I love you colorful delicious M&Ms  <3


Go read Chapter 11 - Texting of HTB :)
          I'm putting that on HOLD for now. I'll eventually take it down, most likely, to rewrite it a bunch. I'll probably repost it later, but it might just be a new story altogether. I'm not sure yet <3
          I'll let you guys know and keep ya updated! Now go read!!


So I'm reading over my story and it is literally all over the place. One time I mentioned a brother, but he never appears in the story. Then I say my grandma lives with us, but never say anything about her... Then I mention that Kade guy but don't talk about him for a while. Ugh. I really need to take it down and do some editing but idk. What do you guys think? Help! Take It Down, or Keep It Up? Thx in advance xx


@CupcakesSing Idk right now... We're still in Baltimore and we'll be back home by tonight. The concert was great, btw! One time when Niall was over at our part of the stage, it got quiet for a split second, and I yelled his name. He turned towards me, but I don't know if he could see me. Harry was extra hot as well :) Its sad I couldn't meet them, but I'm making it one of my life goals. It will be accomplished!