@rjrodda How is NaNo going? :) I have done it once. It was a few years ago, though, when I started writing the second book in my current series. "Captive Hope" is the one, and I did "win" NaNo that year around the 21st of November. I was on a super time crunch that year, because I was also going to be starting a temporary, part-time (20-30hrs/wk) job outside the home at the end of the month. I didn't want to mess with my numbers, so I just got it done earlier. I didn't finish the book, though. That took another couple months! :) The IngramSpark upload. That must be newish? I don't remember that being part of the winning. Hmmm...Maybe I just ignored it since I knew I wouldn't be done at 50,000 words. I ALMOST participated this year, but I haven't outlined any other story ideas to run with. Life has been all-absorbing lately. :) I'm super lucky that while I am homeschooling our adopted/youngest child I am also a stay-at-home mom, so I can sneak in some time during the day, but I mostly write at night after everyone is in bed. Right now we're all hanging out in the livingroom. One kid is petting the dog, one is watching Youtube videos, one is texting a friend, and Dad is learning French on Duolingo with one learning over his shoulder. :)