
Hi everybody! I'm here, I'm the real Rachel Caine, and I'd love to hear your feedback. If you're a Morganville fan, MIDNIGHT BITES is now out, and the second Great Library book, PAPER AND FIRE, is coming July 5!


@rachelcaine Holy wow, Rachel Caine! I had no idea you were on Wattpad. I met you at DFWCon and have thoroughly enjoyed reading your work. Looking forward to the third Great Library book coming out soon.


@raechelleadams Thank you so much! :)


It's available, but not locally published there as the series was before. So you might have to order the US edition via MightyApe or a Amazon. Sorry, that part's outside my control!


It was an unexpected pleasure to find more of Rachel's writing here. It was so very bitter sweet to read these short stories after she had passed. I had just finished The Great Library series, after having devoured the Morganville Vampire series, and getting just a few more tidbits was a pleasure.


I just started reading The Great Library series and I'm on the second book. I am absolutely loving it so far. I seriously ship Santi and Wolfe and I'm so glad that is canon!!! I love the books and i hope to read other series from you!!! ❤❤


I recently checked out Ink and Bone, and Paper and Fire from my local library. I just finished the first book and am about to start the second! 
          I really loved the plot and idea of the book, as well as the developed characters! As I have mentioned, I've only now am about to start the second book, but I am sure it will be just as good as the first!