
I'm so in love with your books! I read them in just one week because your story is so exciting that I couldn't stop reading. I laughed with your beautiful characters, I hoped with them and I cried with them. When I see your books in my shelf I always have to smile because I'm a big fan girl of your world. Ryiah became one of my biggest idols because she's so brave and she never gives up. You are so talented and I love your unique writing style. Never stop writing because the world needs your books!
          Best wishes from Germany


Hello! I'm not sure whether you'll answer me but nonetheless I am one of your biggest fan. I just finished reading your books all 4 of them. I was so emotional while reading the Last stand and cried for about 30mins. Thank you for this wonderful experience. I can't wait to read more of your works. You're the writer I want to be. ❤️


Dear Ms Carter,
          I have to say, I have been a crazy fan girl of your books, and have been hooked to them ever since I began reading them! THEY ARE SIMPLY OUT OF THIS WORLD <3!!!!!!!!!!!! After reading the whole series, my mind exploded with questions and ideas, and even though I know that I'm in no position for such...request(?) I'd love to see more books in this series, maybe like a prequel, or a back story about the minor characters, or any character actually! I know I am acting very demanding, and I excuse my behavior, but please please please, write more books, or maybe short stories, about the characters like Ella and Alex. I also wondered about Ian. Maybe you can write about the before and after background for them. I just miss reading your books, and I'd like to read more of them! Remember that I always support your decision for the books!
          Duyen ( I'm a 14-year-old- Asian, so the name may sound weird)


@lunayourethebest2015 Wow, I really appreciate your replying so soon with all the updates! (And sorry for not replying earlier) And OMG you won't be leaving this universe! And if I may say on behalf of all those fan girls out there, (LIKE ME) :)))), I just wanna say I am very grateful for your series, and your decision to continue them, of course!!!! And again, Ms Carter, please excuse my ridiculously-crazed-fangirlish-behaviour!!!! Thank you! 


@lunayourethebest2015 Oh, and here was an answer to Ian questions I posted on my FB a while back: #IAN QUESTION: "I just wanted to know what exactly happened at the end [of Last Stand] for Ian. Did he ever find love? Or did he really find peace in solitude?"
            MY ANSWER: Ian... so I deliberately left him vague. Not that there is anything wrong with peace in solitude, but he's just so sweet and romantic that I *did* want to pair him up with one of my fave characters to write (and they are such opposites it would have been hilarious). I considered a possible romantic storyline with him and her (hint: she's the queen ;P) that took place while Darren & Ryiah were away in that other country making amends. I was going to hint at it during Darren's epilogue but I couldn't figure out the right way to drop it in there (I needed more than a chapter to do that and didn't want to take away from D's spotlight)... So long story short, I may someday be writing a novella from Ian or Priscilla's POV showing how those 8 years went by while D/R were gone, and I might also someday write a spinoff series about Ry/Darren's daughter w/Ian/Priscilla's son as the love interest, and Ella/Alex's children :))))) I hope that answered some of your questions! I'm busy writing the prequel series (100 years before D/R were born) but after that I am definitely considering a companion/sequel series with the kids of D/R/I/P/A/E :) It might take me a couple years to write everything, but I'm definitely not done with that universe!


@lunayourethebest2015 this is the sweetest message, Dyen, thank you so much :))) Re: background on side characters, I don't know if I'd ever do more novellas except maybe a novella for the years D/R were away showing Ian and a potential romance w/Priscilla, however I am considering doing a spinoff series with Darren and Ry's daughter later on -where her love interest is Ian and Priscilla's daughter and her bff is Alex and Ella's kids -but that's a couple years down the road as I have to first finish the series I'm working on right now which is 100 years before Darren and Ry when all the kingdoms were at war and it has some new romances and stories I absolutely love, hopefully the first book in that series will be releasing by this summer (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/34878788-untitled) <3


this message may be offensive
Hi ma'am. Trust me when I say I am your greatest fan.  It's been such a privilege reading your books. But I also got a few beatings from my friend as I have been babbling about your books from a long time. I am so glad I stumbled upon your books. It's been a long time since I read a good book. Your view is just great....I love the way you write and create suspense. Sometimes I feel like just going to the last chapter and read it all. Your books are just sooooo good. I can't talk enough about them. And as an earlier fan mentioned it is AMAZING that unlike other books you didn't just directly entwine Darren and Ry's heart. When it comes to YA Ryiah has been one of the best kickass heroines ever. I love the way she is so strong and... I was just about to write a spoiler. I wish I could join their even if it meant being a side character. My world revolved around Caltoth and Jerar and Borea Isles. Just kidding I am on a damn planet where fantasy doesn't exist. Shit..I was about to write a spoiler again. Sorry readers. But honestly, these books are so amazing. If I could get a signed copy, it would mean the world to me. Just tell me when ur on an event so I am the first one to grab a copy. I LOVE YOUR BOOKS. Can i stop talking...obviously not. It would be great if you could write a story on Blayne's life or maybe Alex and Ella's lovestory together or maybe about Derrick's journey as a knight. Just can't stop asking favours. One more question, can you tell me how you got the idea of creating Ryiah❤️️ and Darren❤️ and all those amazing characters. Thank you so much for writing such amaaaaaaaazeballs books. <3


@aastha_x so you could understand how the transformation happened, and of course it's his love of the girl that saves him <3 I really love dramatic love stories, I guess you could say :D Anyway, I'm sure that hardly covers the question at all, as I could talk for hours about D&R. Again I am soooo glad you loved the books, and hopefully I'll sign in a city near you one day -if you'd like, you can message me a mailing address and I'd be happy to send you a couple signed bookmarks to put in your books :) Have a wonderful holiday season!!!


@aastha_x I can't even put into words how wonderful it was to log in and see this message today!!! Thank you so, so, SO much Ryiah's story is so near & dear to my heart and it's an honor to find anyone who loves the world of Jerar and Darren and Ryiah as much as I do!!! Re: additional spinoff stories, I'll never say never (currently working on a prequel 4-book series in same universe but 100 years before Ryiah was born when all the kingdoms were at war), but if I do write a spinoff of The Black Mage it would probably be there daughter Eve and her love interest and of course Alex and Ella's children. But I could write in that universe forever <3 As for how I got the idea of creating Ryiah, I was listening to music in middle school (yup, over a decade ago lol!) and there was a really powerful song that was super dramatic and I pictured a boy and a girl fighting to the death w/magic ... but other than that I didn't really know anything about them -like why they were fighting, who they were, etc. I was always obsessed with epic fantasy so I knew their story would take place in medieval times, and then when I finally sat down to write a couple years ago I knew I had to define my main character, and so I wrote the character I always wanted to read: a flawed heroine that struggled for every little victory she got, a girl that made mistakes but had a heart of gold, a girl that that could get jealous (even of the guy she loved) and have trust issues, and ultimately, a real girl that could end up in a twisted fairytale romance where the prince she loves ultimately becomes the villain and she has to choose between him and the kingdom. And Darren, well, I've always had a thing for dark love intersts, characters that struggle with a villainous side and a terrible backstory -the thing I noticed in all the books I grew up on was that the love interest usually started off a villain and ended a hero, I wanted to show the love interest before he became a villain...


@Lizziekazane Hi Lizzie, awww this is seriously the sweetest message to see when I signed in to wattpad :) Thank you so, so much!!! It means the world to me that you loved Darren & Ry, I really wanted realistic/complex characters that had to work for their happily ever after (and never had anything easy, or *shudders* instalove). I actually had a couple of readers send me that article, it made me crack up!!! I love that they named their twins Ella & Alex :P   re: short stories to come with Darren, probably not, but I will never say never, writing Darren's POV was really fun for me and I can't say I wouldn't love to rewrite certain scenes in his POV. Right now my schedule is packed (Writing two series at the same time, another YA fantasy inspired by Greek mythology, and a YA thriller), but at some point I'd like to revisit the world of The Black Mage :)


I just wanted to ask do you ever have book signings?


@rachelecarterauthor could you send me a bookmark I would love one. I can privately send you my address


@BooHoot not often, but I will be doing another in San Mateo B&N Jan-Feb next year and I will be at the RT convention for a week in May (Atlanta)... and possibly one in Florida in July. I plan to do more, it just depends! I can also mail signed bookmarks for free to my readers because I know the chances of me doing a signing in most hometowns might not happen unless I happen to get lucky and have an event :)


When is the fourth book coming out???


@BooHoot it's almost complete, I am just throwing a ballpark here but I would say by Oct 2016 at the very latest (possibly Sept!!!) >> I will have a more certain date by end of next month when the draft is complete:)