Long time no see ! It’s been YEARS since I was last active on Wattpad, and it is like a whole new app from what I used back then. I have been busy with school and just life in general to the point where I didn’t have time to write or read on this app at all. I jumped on from time to time to respond to messages and comments but haven’t been very active. I do apologize. With all of that being said, Abusive Love is still getting some love and attention and I am honestly surprised. I started that story when I was 15/16 years old back in 2013 I think. Now I’m much older and after rereading the story, I don’t like it at all. I feel it’s very unorganized and not realistic. So I’ve been working on a new revamped version for a year or so now. I want this new version to reach a larger audience not just on Wattpad but outside of this app. I will be uploading to Wattpad in the new year a chapter at a time. I am very excited for you all to read this new version. So far, it’s a lot better than the current version with new characters and different events. I will be leaving the current version up but I do hope you all enjoy the new one also.