Hey guys. So I know a lot of you are like, girl where are the updates!? Unfortunately they have been deleted. So I had like the next five chapters typed for my stories Silver and Robin,and Agent Ember. So I had them typed up in Google drive,(cause I was having trouble accessing Wattapad. Not their fault it was 100% on my end) so today I finally went to post them, cause my Wi-Fi has been spoty, and it's finally back. AND THERE GONE. Ten chapters of work just *poof*. And I'm really confused because I have only had this happen to me once before,(when my dumb butt tried to save offline) so I'm really confused. The sad part is I'm not mad,just disappointed because I was really proud of those chapters. Anyways I'll type them back up,but I think I'm going to take a little break today and go over all my chapter notes again (there little notes I write before I start the chapter, giveing me an idea of how I want it to go.) Anyways guys I'm super sorry,and I'm shure this is somehow my fault...