I thought of you today, I think about you a lot. That sounds really weird, but I just feel really connected to you. This is cheesy, I know, just tolerate it, because I have so much to say.
You’re so special to me, and you did so much for me, and so much for people you don’t even know. I have a friend who’s trans, and I can’t imagine how I would have treated her if you hadn’t taught me how to accept and love people like you do.
I came out to a few of my friends, and it’s hard, but I don’t think of myself as gross anymore. I love myself, and you helped me do that.
I’ll never, ever, ever forget you. And I know there’s nothing we could do to make it how it was, but what you did was amazing. You are amazing. You are a beautiful person. It’s been almost two years, I’m 14 now, and I haven’t even come close to being able to imagine forgetting you and everything you’ve done for me.
I’m almost as old as you were when we talked almost every day, and I want to be just like you. (I’m actually crying right now, help.) I want you to know that even though we haven’t talked in forever, that no matter what, we are always sisters. We are ALWAYS sisters, no matter what. Don’t ever think I’ve forgotten you.
You’re so important to me, and I hope I could make you proud. You are my hero.