
Well Hello Everyone,
          	I am sorry that I am not able to post anything since the last few days..but my college exams are going on and I was not prepared because of the clash between 2 semester exams ...
          	I have not even decided about the whole storyline and twist of the books...so it's really nerve racking to write a chapter on the basis of present scenes only...I want to make this book worth reading to everyone...as it is very special to me as well.... Rudransh and Vaidehi will be my comfort characters forever...and I want to give them the best of the story they deserve...
          	 This break was impromptu...I was not expecting it...yet it gave me a lot of clarity  as well ....
          	So in the end....
          	I will come with bang of chapters really soon....(Till I complete the storyline and plot )
          	I want to write really good Chapter with some new content and scenes...where the book won't feel boring or easy predictable...
          	( Always a HEA person )
          	I also want to be consistent about chapters and chapter's length as well...
          	Once I am done with everything...this month is really hectic for me since the start.. in fact from feb I am only giving exams in college.....I will be a little free by the END OF MARCH...
          	so I will start the updates by the end of the march truly with good content and conversations between couple and family as well..
          	I will publish the chapters on time as well...trust me I will use this time for the best of everything...
          	Will give you updates really soon!
          	You can follow me on instagram for spoilers and extra content!


Well Hello Everyone,
          I am sorry that I am not able to post anything since the last few days..but my college exams are going on and I was not prepared because of the clash between 2 semester exams ...
          I have not even decided about the whole storyline and twist of the books...so it's really nerve racking to write a chapter on the basis of present scenes only...I want to make this book worth reading to everyone...as it is very special to me as well.... Rudransh and Vaidehi will be my comfort characters forever...and I want to give them the best of the story they deserve...
           This break was impromptu...I was not expecting it...yet it gave me a lot of clarity  as well ....
          So in the end....
          I will come with bang of chapters really soon....(Till I complete the storyline and plot )
          I want to write really good Chapter with some new content and scenes...where the book won't feel boring or easy predictable...
          ( Always a HEA person )
          I also want to be consistent about chapters and chapter's length as well...
          Once I am done with everything...this month is really hectic for me since the start.. in fact from feb I am only giving exams in college.....I will be a little free by the END OF MARCH...
          so I will start the updates by the end of the march truly with good content and conversations between couple and family as well..
          I will publish the chapters on time as well...trust me I will use this time for the best of everything...
          Will give you updates really soon!
          You can follow me on instagram for spoilers and extra content!


          Hello everyone!
          Radhirawrites here,
          New chapter of the book is out now...check it and please comment about the chapter and the storyline...
          It will be more helpful!!
          The link is below kindly check it out...also new cute spoiler is out on Instagram follow me there as well you will get new spoilers and message as well!


Hellooooo Everyone once again!!!!
          I know bohot notification aa rahi hai ....lekin...
          You all Know what ...out another reel crossed 1k+ views and it feels so special and good...like so motivating and inspiring.....so I wanted to share it with you .....it would be only your support and love...to inspire me and be an inspiring author ✨ 
          The link of the reel is above 