
Its been a while since I've been on here...I'm not sure who actually reads these messages, but I do want to apologize for being so quiet. Some of you have messaged me, begging me to continue various different books that I have written, and I told you guys that I will as soon as I find the time. And I know it's been forever! So much has happened in the past several months that I still can't grasp my head around. But now that everything has slowed down just a little bit, I'll probably start to update on Mondays or Fridays. So bear with me, I may be a little rusty on the writing lol. Some of the stories I may edit and revise, making them better than they are now, while others, I'll continue to update, editing as I go. There are a couple stories on my other account that also crave for my attention, so I may end up jumping between the two accounts. 
          	So there's a few small announcements for you. I love getting your feedback and votes, so please don't stop! It keeps me going! But what matters to me the most is you enjoying every page I write. Remember, smiles are contagious. Curing the world is in your hands:) So show it more often!


@radiant_purity Yes keep writing, even if it's intermittent.  I have very little time to write, and my books are laguishing in need of attention.  But I still desire to write when I can, but really when I am inspired.  Take care and God bless.


Its been a while since I've been on here...I'm not sure who actually reads these messages, but I do want to apologize for being so quiet. Some of you have messaged me, begging me to continue various different books that I have written, and I told you guys that I will as soon as I find the time. And I know it's been forever! So much has happened in the past several months that I still can't grasp my head around. But now that everything has slowed down just a little bit, I'll probably start to update on Mondays or Fridays. So bear with me, I may be a little rusty on the writing lol. Some of the stories I may edit and revise, making them better than they are now, while others, I'll continue to update, editing as I go. There are a couple stories on my other account that also crave for my attention, so I may end up jumping between the two accounts. 
          So there's a few small announcements for you. I love getting your feedback and votes, so please don't stop! It keeps me going! But what matters to me the most is you enjoying every page I write. Remember, smiles are contagious. Curing the world is in your hands:) So show it more often!


@radiant_purity Yes keep writing, even if it's intermittent.  I have very little time to write, and my books are laguishing in need of attention.  But I still desire to write when I can, but really when I am inspired.  Take care and God bless.


Hello Everyone! I know my absence is inexcusable lol, but I seriously had a major writers block. So to make it up to you guys, I have published 'Rain Clouds.' So please head on over and check it out! I'm pretty certain you won't be disappointed:)) Not to mention that I've been out sick the last couple of days, so what better way to spend my sick days than to write:) I pray God blesses you guys dearly♡ Please don't forget to check out my new book;)